Go to the Wily path which you have extracted the files and execute the command Read the license in ‘ca-eula.txt’ and once you agree with the terms, modify the last line to read “LGP=accept” (the installation cannot continue without doing this) Read the license in ‘eula.txt’ and once you agree with the terms, modify the last line to read “LGP=accept” (the installation cannot continue without doing this) SAR file and copy eula.txt and osgiPackages.v10.5.2.0.unix.zip in to same folder WILY INTROSCOPE ENTER MGR 10.5 (For Linux Operating system) 2. WILY INTRO EM MGMT MODULES10.5 To download the third party external component package files:ĭownload the following files from the subdirectory introscope_10.5.2.0– eula.txt– osgiPackages.v10.5.2.0.unix.zipĮxtract WILY INTROSCOPE ENTPR MGR 10.5. Go to “Support Packages & Patches”/SAP TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS/SAP SOLUTION MANAGER/SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.2/WILY INTROSCOPE/ġ. Software packages:Download the software package from service market place HOW TO INSTALL / CONFIGURE WILY INTROSCOPE IN LINUX SYSTEM FOR SOLUTION MANAGER